Lake Oconee Area FCA

Golf Tournament

May 19, 2025   The Oconee Course at Reynolds

Register Here


When:   May 19th | 8:30 AM

Where:  The Oconee Course at Reynolds

1341 Linger Longer Road

Greensboro, GA 30642

Sponsorship Options

Platinum Sponsor - $10,000

Recognition as event sponsor on website

Four hole sponsor signs

Four golfers included

Pin flag on the course

Logo on banner and student t-shirt

Semi-monthly social media recognition

Charitable contribution to FCA

Gold Sponsor - $5,000

Recognition as event sponsor on website

Three hole sponsor signs

Four golfers included

Pin flag on the course

Logo on banner and student t-shirt

Semi-monthly social media recognition

Charitable contribution to FCA

Silver Sponsor - $2,500

Recognition as event sponsor on website

Two hole sponsor signs

Four golfers included

Logo on banner and student t-shirt

Monthly social media recognition

Charitable contribution to FCA

Bronze Sponsor - $1,000

Recognition as event sponsor on website

One hole sponsor sign

Logo on banner and student t-shirt

Quarterly social media recognition

Charitable contribution to FCA

Copper Sponsor - $500

Recognition as event sponsor on website

Logo on banner and student t-shirt

One time social media recognition

Charitable contribution to FCA

Hole Sponsor - $250

Recognition sign on Golf Hole

Logo on student t-shirt

Charitable contribution to FCA

2024 Event Sponsors

Steve and Cindy Jones

Bill and Hope McCleave

Chris and Susan Helmrath

John and Kathy Mitchell

Randy and Pam Scott

Rob and Joyce Taylor

Roger and Connie Blythe

Tommy Washburn

Jack and Lisa Dyer

Mike and Maureen Bilbery

Tommy Beman

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